Sunday, November 8, 2020


The information contained in this document is being. Blog - Latest News You are here: However some video ram, particularly EDO, might not be fast enough to handle this, resulting in drawing errors on the screen. This sets the physical memory base address of the linear framebuffer. So the value actually used for the memory clock might be significantly less than this maximum value. Firstly, the ct chipset must be installed on a PCI bus.
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Try this if the cursor seems to have problems. Customer Impact of Change and Recommended Action: Note that this option using the multimedia engine to its limit, and some manufacturers have set a default memory clock that will cause pixel errors with this option. Because the rendering is all done into a virtual chisp acceleration can not be used.

This option forces the second display to take a particular amount of memory. For some machines the LCD panel size is incorrectly probed from chups registers. Use caution with this option, as driving the video processor beyond its specifications might cause damage.

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The smartModule technoloies only be plugged intoeasy replacement the application board and affixed with four screws. This is usually due to a problem with the " LcdCenter " option.

Hardware cursors effectively speeds all graphics operations as the job of ensuring that the cursor remains on top is now given to the hardware. However the panel size will still be probed. Join our mailing list. This is a small and long-standing bug in the current server. This information will be invaluable in debugging any problems.

Chips and Technologies datasheet & applicatoin notes - Datasheet Archive

For a complete discussion on the dot clock limitations, see the next section. Note that it is overridden by the " SWcursor " option. Note that increasing the memory clock also has its 6903 problems as described above.

All signals and interfaces are connected to the smartBus connector. In this way PseudoColor and TrueColor visuals can be used technologiex the same screen. One the overall maximum, and another due to the available memory bandwidth of the chip.

Information for Chips and Technologies Users

Therefore the server uses a default value of This driver must be considered work in progress, and those users wanting stability are encouraged to use the older XFree86 3. Try a lower dot clock. We recommend that you try and pick a mode that is similar to a standard VESA mode.

However use caution with these options, because there is no guarantee that driving the video processor beyond it capabilities won't cause damage. It also includes a fully programmable dot clock and supports all types of flat panels. This option might also be used to reduce the speed of the memory clock to preserve power in technologiees that don't need the full speed of the memory to 690300 correctly.

This can be done by using an external frame buffer, or incorporating the framebuffer at the top of video ram depending on the particular implementation. This is correct for most modes, but can cause some problems.

Chips and Technologies 69030 PCI BUS Drivers

Dual-head display has two effects on the modelines. The lower half of the screen is not accessible. These options can be used to force a particular clock index to be used. The information contained in this document is being.

This site uses cookies: Note that this option only has an effect on TFT screens.

The specifications giventhis document, and we will correct them as soon as possible.

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